December 27, 2009

CARES Semester in Review- Fall 2009

Last semester, CARES sponsored a number of quality events. Here is a list of our events and pictures to highlight the Fall 2009 semester!

1. SatCo trip to Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary

CARES sponsored their second trip to Happy Trails this past semester. Hopefully this will become a yearly or semesterly tradition! CARES members had the opportunity to socialize with animals of several species and hear their unfortunate stories. Thanks to Happy Trails, though, at least there can be a happy ending for some.

2. Greenfest

CARES hosted a booth at the extremely well-attended Greenfest in the Thwing Atrium. Literature about factory farming and sustainable eating practices were given to many Case students.

3. Candy Cane handout

Over 244 candy canes were distributed on the last day of Fall 2009 classes in the Nord lobby. Several facts were taped to the candy canes, including information about CARES, factory farming, and healthy eating habits. It proved to be a successful (and deliciously festive) way to reach out to our peers.

4. Farm Sanctuary Walk for Farm Animals

A few CARES members teamed up with members from Cleveland State's animal rights group, SALAD (Students for Animal Liberation and Defense), to walk the streets of Cleveland with signs provided by Farm Sanctuary.

5. Book-signing: Amy Hatkoff's The Inner World of Farm

Amy Hatkoff, author of The Inner World of Farm Animals, joined CARES for their SatCo trip to Happy Trails. The next day, Hatkoff presented and signed her book at CSU.

6. Vegan Potluck
One of our members hosted a vegan potluck at her apartment. It became such a popular idea that CARES requested funding from USG for a much larger vegan potluck in Spring 2010.

7. Animal Protective League Volunteer Orientation
Almost 30 Case students signed up to participate in the Animal Protective League's Volunteer Orientation this past October. In addition to CARES members, a large number of sorority sisters signed up together to get volunteer credit. Some volunteer opportunities include Cat Care Volunteers, Dog Enrichment Volunteers, and Adoptions Specialists. Unfortunately, the APL makes it very difficult for volunteers to become "official". If CARES members are truly interested in volunteering, they should continue to pursue the opportunity by contacting the APL and scheduling an interview. This can be a very frustrating process, but as the winter months approach, the APL will be in need of volunteers who are not afraid to brave Cleveland's winter conditions, especially dog-walkers.

As you can see, many of the APL's residents enjoy the snow and need to be walked no matter what the conditions are outside...

(video from a few years ago)

Other APL videos
Unfortunately these are all dog-biased videos but there are many other APL opportunities for cat-lovers or those who want to work with smaller pets like guinea pigs and rabbits.

8. Movie Nights: Peaceable Kingdom and Fowl Play

Self-explanatory: CARES hosted two movie nights last semester. Fowl Play was a slighty larger undertaking, though, because Mercy for Animals(MFA) Executive Director Nathan Runkle was invited to speak and field questions after showing the film. Fowl Play is MFA's latest documentary, which expertly reveals the unfortunate truth about how our chicken and, especially eggs, are produced. Even non-meat animal products like milk and eggs support a very cruel meat production industry and are not a conscience-free option by any means.

9. Issue 2 Campaigning

At least 3 dedicated CARES members were recruited to help Cleveland's Food and Water Watch campaign against Issue 2 during the election this past November by distributing door hangers in Cleveland Heights and the greater Cleveland area. Issue 2 was cleverly written to make consumers vote "yes" for an Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board, which would be an Amendment to the Ohio Constitution. With its disguise of "better animal treatment" and "fresh local food", Issue 2 disgustingly passed with ease, along with the legalization of gambling in the state.

September 11, 2009

First General Body Meeting of Fall 2009!

Welcome back everyone! I'm super excited for CARES this semester! Our first meeting is going to be


Please come to discuss plans this semester! We are going to go over what events we have coming up (there are a lot!) and we want to hear your ideas about how YOU think CARES can make a difference.

See you there! :)

May 23, 2009

MFA Screening of Processed People Thurs 5/28/09

Join Mercy For Animals for some delicious vegan treats, followed by a FREE screening of the recently released documentary, Processed People. The film features insightful interviews from nine preeminent health and environmental experts, who detail why so many Americans are suffering and dying from preventable diseases. They also reveal the steps individuals can take to regain and maintain their health.

Where: Cleveland Heights Library, 2345 Lee Rd., Cleveland Heights
When: 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

April 27, 2009


Springfest was a rousing success for CARES this year, so thanks to everyone who helped make it possible! The University Circle Police put us in contact with the University Circle Inc. Mounted Courtesy Patrol, who showed up with horses Grace and Ember with their respective riders Rebecca Frye and Danielle Sprow, who is the coordinator of the mounted unit. The job of the UCI Mounted Patrol is to give directions around University Circle and, in general, make this a hospitable place where people all over Ohio want to visit each year. Frye, on left with her horse Grace, also shared a moving story about her companion Princeton who recently passed away and was a beloved member of the team. Throughout the day, over 200 CWRU students, faculty, and University Circle visitors were able to interact with the horses, who helped promote the CARES booth from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Saturday. It was a hot, windy day, and periodically the horses were taken over to the Wade Lagoon/Art Museum area to get a drink out of the decorative water fountains.
In addition to a pair of festive horses, CARES also debuted their new vinyl banner (designed by CARES member Mike Spence!) and made buttons with the slogans "Think Green, Go Veg," "Stop Animal Cruelty," and "Stand Up!" (designed by VP Taylor Wolfram)

More pictures:

CARES members: (!)

Maura and Nick-


Taylor, Dorian, Erica, and Katherine-

If you have any other pictures or do not see your picture posted here, please email Katherine Taylor (